“A wholesome Christian family atmosphere!”

Annual Fund

By contributing to our Annual Fund,  you are putting your money right where Camp Wesley Pines needs it the most. This support could be used in a variety of ways, such as buying new mattresses, purchasing new high ropes helmets, sponsoring a summer counselor, or even aiding in needed facility upgrades! The Annual Fund makes up a vital percentage of our yearly budget, so your contribution gives our ministry the opportunity to stay fully funded. 


Over the last 60 years, Camp Wesley Pines has opened its doors to children, youth, and adults, and so many lives have been transformed during that time by the love of Christ! By contributing to the Camper Scholarship Fund, you help us ensure that ALL who wish to experience the fun and fellowship of camp can do so, without being hindered by financial constraints. Be an integral part of changing someone’s life, and support our Camper Scholarship Fund today!

Capital Projects

While the last 60 years of ministry at Camp Wesley Pines have been nothing short of amazing, we can’t help but dream about the next 60! Capital improvements made to our grounds and facilities will help ensure our long-term success and vibrancy as a camp ministry. With your donation, we can make much-needed renovations to buildings like our Cabins, Tabernacle, and the Durr-Wise Retreat Center!

Click the “Faith Grows Here” button to head to our capital campaign page, where you can see our current progress on projects around camp – and ways that you can pitch in!

Growing FAITH, building FRIENDSHIPS, and having FUN since 1961!